Time Machine is one of the funkiest clocks on the planet—along with Chris Joseph's Dada Clock and Ted Warnell's Strange Time. Karl Jirgens said "It's kind of scary, watching the clock." Kirill Azernyy said he's "Hypnotized, totally..". So there you have it. It's scarily hypnotizing. You too will be hypnotized like a deer in the headlights of time itself. In the countdown to...NOW!
I like those perspectives. Thanks, Karl and Kirill. Personally, it doesn't scare me or hypnotize me. Although I too am scared by 2020. I like Time Machine's simultaneous atmospheres of both historical time and immediacy. The clocks span quite a few centuries and the current time itself is filled with images concerning alchemy/cosmography from the 9th to the 18th centuries. But it's a clock that displays the current time, the current moment, changing and updating every second. It reminds me that eternity is in the moment.

Also, I like the greyscale circular compositions. The clocks are usually round. And Aleph Null draws circles with black outlines. The compositions are of many intersecting circles, and parts of circles. The passage of time is drawn as a continually changing intersection of many overlapping time frames.
Summoning the Time Machine at vispo.com/aleph4
Many of the images are from Eric Bruton's 1968 book Clocks and Watches (Hamlyn Publishing Group, Middlesex, UK).
After mechanical timekeepers came on the scene—clocks about A D 1300 and watches around 1500—they became the status symbols of the time...
Before mechanical clocks, there were water clocks, sun dials, and hourglasses. The book contains a photo of Cleopatra's Needle, a huge sun dial circa 1500 BCE.
The remaining images in the project are publicly-licensed. The underlying image set of time devices is 149 images large and 451 Mb.
In addition to the Aleph Null never-quite-the-same-twice animations, the project contains a Slidvid of 393 selected screenshots of Aleph Null chewing on the grey-scale image set. I like these as compositions. There's also a smaller Slidvid primarily of the time 20:20:20; the project was done in 2020, the year of the covid-19 pandemic. There are also a couple of youtube videos (video1, video2) of me talking about the project.
Finally, there's a slidvid of the 148 time-devices pictured in Time Machine.