The Javascript version of First Screening (English)
View the
JavaScript version of First Screening.
the source code (40.4 Kb). The JavaScript version was written by Marko
J. Niemi and Jim Andrews.
First Screeningin suomenkielinen JavaScript-versio
Katso Ensiesitys.
Lataa lähdekoodi (42 kt). Suomennos englannista Terhi Hannula ja Marko
Niemi. Ohjelmointi Marko Niemi ja Jim Andrews.
Suomenkielinen versio löytyy myös Nokturnosta
About the JavaScript version by Marko Niemi
From: Jim Andrews
Sent: November 22, 2006 11:44 PM
To: Marko J. Niemi; Dan Waber; Geof Huth; Lionel Kearns
Subject: Marko's JavaScript version
Hi Marko,
How did you do your JavaScript version
of First Screening? In particular,
I'm wondering if you had to look at the code itself, or if you just eyeballed
the emulated version carefully, or made a movie of it
so as to examine it in stop-frame, or what. Because it's so bang
on. How'd you do it?
Also, I gather there were a couple of iterations in
your code?
How did that go?
From: Marko Niemi
Sent: November 23, 2006 1:41 PM
To: Jim Andrews; Dan Waber; Geof Huth; Lionel Kearns
Subject: Re: Marko's JavaScript version
Hi Jim and others,
Some parts of the JavaScript code are meant to be as
equivalent to
the original BASIC code as possible; for instance, the 'Print(vtab, htab,
text)' JavaScript function works pretty much the same as 'VTAB Y:
PRINT "<TEXT>"' lines in BASIC (VTAB and HTAB define the
coordinates of
the text in question; in JavaScript, the top-left position of the screen
is at (0,0) whereas in BASIC it's at (1,1)). SPEED variables have their equivalents
in 'pause()' arrays (SPEED=255 is
the fastest tempo in BASIC and SPEED=0 probably the slowest, whereas in
JavaScript the smaller the 'pause', the faster the tempo), and
the 'Home()' function clears the screen the same way as the HOME command
But then there were parts in the BASIC code, that don't have their
equivalents in the more graphically oriented JavaScript environment, the
most notable example being the flushing/flickering effect at the bottom
line in the 'SELF-REFLEXIVE 2' piece for inctance. That was translated
simply by swapping the 'THE BOTTOM LINE IS WHERE CHANGE IS' line and an
empty line in rapid succession. In the 'CONSTRUCTION ONE' piece, the
flickering effect at the bottom line seemed to vary a bit from reading to
reading, so, in the JavaScript version, a somewhat similar effect is made
by choosing at random the moments when the TOWER word flashes at the
bottom line.
After I had first written these 'emulated' JavaScript functions,
it was pretty much about tweaking and tweaking tempos of each piece and
line/word/letter in each piece, and watching the emulator version and the
JavaScript version side by side, to adjust the JavaScript version to as close to the
emulator version as possible.