About Defib

Field Theory for a l y r i c m a i l e r

Sunday December 19/1999

Thomas Bell and Mike Kelleher are leading a project for the magazine a l y r i c m a i l e r featuring work by themselves and Jim Rosenberg, Loss Pequeño Glazier, Inna Kouper, Ted Warnell, Jim Andrews, Clemente Padin, and miekal and on the poetics of the field. As Thomas says:

"In this context 'field' represents a space with height, width, and depth, filled (or emptied) of words or pictures. The concept has a history in 20th century poetics dating back to Futurism; is related to Olson's Composition by Field, and Duncan's hermetic studies; and is the space in which a true intertextuality might be imagined."

The nine participants start out with their own work and then write toward the work of the others, re-writing and linking toward a loose net or field of texts relating in their own and related ways to this notion of the field.

The works of the participants are reachable here:
Thomas Bell, Mike Kelleher, Jim Rosenberg, Loss Pequeño Glazier, Miekal And, Inna Kouper, Ted Warnell, Clemente Padin, Jim Andrews