Endemic Battle Collage — Geof Huth
You can view Endemic Battle Collage in two different ways. Click below to choose among them.
- View Endemic Battle Collage online as a video.
- View it offline through an emulator.
Emulator Instructions (PC)
Instructions (Mac)
http://apple2.intergalactic.de ("OSXII",
an Apple //e emulator for Mac OS X utilizing Cocoa and OpenGL) is an
emulator we hear works properly on some Macs. Another is Virtual ][
at http://www.xs4all.nl/~gp/VirtualII
An incomplete list of Apple IIe emulators for the Mac is at http://www.zophar.net/mac/apple2.html (this
list doesn't include "OSXII"). Many of these haven't worked
for us.
In the meantime, Mac users can view the video version.