
Jim Andrews

Jim Andrews has been publishing since 1996. It is the centre of his activity as a writer/poet, programmer, visual/audio artist, and essayist on art, technology, and media. is a synthesis of various arts and media with an emphasis on an interactive approach.

Andy Campbell

Andy Campbell has been creating digital fiction since 1994. He is the author of, a website described by the Times Educational Supplement as “One of the most impressive purveyors of the new art of internet reading… a distinctive voice that couldn’t be replicated in print.” He is co-director of One to One Productions Ltd (, creating and facilitating multimedia projects for charities, arts organisations and other bodies.

Leonardo Flores

Leonardo Flores is an Associate Professor of English and Associate Dean of Educational Technologies in the College of Arts and Sciences at UPR: Mayagüez. His areas of research in literature are poetry, new media literature, fantasy and science fiction, and film. His research in Educational Technologies is focused on Web 2.0 tools (such as blogs, course management systems, content management systems, social networks, social bookmarking, and Web  apps) and on technologies that can transform the classroom (such as audience response systems, smartboards, computer classrooms, and portable computers).

Chris Funkhouser

Chris Funkhouser is a poet, scholar, and multimedia artist. In 2009, the Associated Press commissioned him to prepare digital poems for the occasion of Barack Obama’s inauguration. He is author of the documentary study, Prehistoric Digital Poetry: An Archaeology of Forms, 1959-1995, and an eBook (CD-ROM), Selections 2.0. He teaches at New Jersey Institute of Technology, is a member of the scientific review committee of the digital literature journal regards croisés (University of Paris 8), is on the Advisory Board of the Digital Poetry Archive of Canada, and is an External Collaborator with Núcleo de Ciberteatro, Insituto Politécnico do Porto (Portugal). He was a Visiting Fulbright Scholar at Multimedia University in Cyberjaya, Malaysia (2006), was on the summer writing program faculty of the Naropa University (2007), and is presently Digital Poet-in-Residence at Bowery Poetry Club (New York City).

Paul Green

Paul Green grew up in London and studied at Oxford and UBC in Vancouver. Poetry and short fiction have appeared in numerous magazines, ranging from New Worlds to Poetics Journal, while a novel The Qliphoth was published by Libros Libertad. Plays include  The Dream Laboratory (CBC Canada) ; Ritual of the Stifling Air (BBC Radio 3); The Voice Collection (RTE Ireland) ; The Mouthpiece (Resonance FM London); Terminal Poet (New Theatre Works Hereford) and Babalon (Travesty Theatre London). Other audio work has been broadcast on the CBC, WFMU-FM and the Pacifica Network. A selection can be found on the Radio QBSaul podcast and at , which also features Green's essays and reviews. Video work includes The Slow Learning, a collaboration with digital artist Jeremy Welsh – samples on QBsaul’s Youtube channel. Recent work on-line includes A Beginner’s Guide to Radial City. Radial City stories are featured at Brand Magazine Nth Position and The Recusant, while video sequences can be found via QBSaul on Youtube. Paul Green currently teaches media at the Royal National College for the Blind, Hereford.

David Jhave Johnston

David (Jhave) Johnston is a multimedia-poet currently living in Montreal. Web-curator and independent media-arts practitioner, involved in numerous collaborative and solo digital and in-situ art practises. Focus: Language-based online digital art. Combinatorial poetics, multimedia poetry. Currently, developing works that feature typographic experiments built through a synthesis of Flash, Mudbox, Vegas, Ableton Suite, After Effects and Mr. Softie.  Working and exhibiting with, among others: FILE, Champ Libre, Bioteknica ,, Ollivier Dyens, OBX, TML, Symbiosis, and Zoi. His work has been exhibited at 3 new media Biennales: Montreal '03 & '09 & Toronto '04.  Doctoral candidate at Concordia University affiliated with OBX, TML & NT2. SFU SIAT. M.Sc in Interactive Arts program (2007). “Emotion in Online Digital Poetry” 2004. Concordia University. B. of Computer Science, minor Digital Image and Sound. He co-curates

Jason Lewis

Jason Edward Lewis is a digital media artist, poet and software designer. He founded Obx Laboratory for Experimental Media, where he directs research/creation projects devising new means of creating and reading digital texts, developing systems for creative use of mobile technology, designing alternative interfaces for live performance, and using virtual environments to assist Aboriginal communities in preserving, interpreting and communicating cultural histories. He co-founded and co-directs the Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace research network that is investigating how Aboriginal people can participate in the shaping of our digital media future, and co-directs workshops combining traditional stories and game design at the Kahnawake First Nations’ high school. Lewis is deeply committed to developing intriguing new forms of expression by working on conceptual, creative and technical levels simultaneously. His creative work has been featured at the Ars Electronica Center, ISEA, SIGGRAPH, Urban Screens and Mobilefest, among other venues, his writing about new media has been presented at conferences, festivals and exhibitions on four continents and his work with Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace has won multiple awards. He received a Master’s of Philosophy from the Royal College of Art for his thesis “Dynamic Poetry: Introductory Remarks to a New Medium”. He holds a B.S. in Symbolic Systems and a B.A. in German Studies (Philosophy) from Stanford University.

Regina Célia Pinto

Born in Rio de Janeiro. Researcher, visual artist and curator.

Her interest in / digital literature started in 1997. She believes that one of the good characteristics of globalization is it allows the exchange of national and international artistic experiences.

She lives, loves and believes in So that all her work as artist or curator is done for the web, where she has received prizes and participated of important exhibitions.



Eugenio Tisselli

Born in Mexico City, 1972. Writer and programmer. Areas of interest include artistic software, social technologies and digital narratives. His work (installation, performance, software and text) has been featured in different publications, festivals and exhibitions around the world. He collaborates regularly with artist Antoni Abad at  He was an associate researcher at Sony Computer Science Lab in Paris, and is currently teacher and co-director of the Master in Digital Arts at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. His personal work can be seen at

Gregory Whitehead

Gregory Whitehead is an internationally acclaimed audio artist, sound poet, and the producer of well over one hundred radio plays, essays and acoustic adventures. His productions have won numerous major awards, including two Sony Gold Academy Awards for The Loneliest Road and No Background Music, featuring Sigourney Weaver. His writing has been published in magazines such as Cabinet and on the web at nth position. He sings baritone with Boston Harmony, plays jazz saxophone, and is forever in search of badminton partners or a game of go.

Christine Wilks

Christine Wilks is a British writer and artist who creates rich-media works for the web at and engages in collaborative remixing at Her work is published in the Electronic Literature Collection Volume 2, the online journal Studies in the Maternal and The Line of Influence. She has presented her works of e-literature and collaborative projects at The Electronic Literature Organization Conference 2010, Performance Writing 2010, Transliteracy Conference 2010, e-Poetry 2009, Writing Bodies/Reading Bodies in Contemporary Women's Writing 2009, Electronic Literature in Europe 2008, Digital Resources for Humanities and the Arts 2008 and Interactive Futures 2007. Before becoming engrossed in the web, she made short films, videos, installations and wrote screenplays. To make a living, she designs and creates e-learning experiences for non-profit organisations with