New Media Writing Forum


Screenshot from the New Media Writing Forum

The New Media Writing Forum is a new hub for writers who are thinking of - or who are already – combining their work creatively with digital media.

Established by Dreaming Methods in association with Bournemouth University, the New Media Writing Prize and Crissxross (award-winning digital writer Christine Wilks), the forum encourages the sharing of ideas, techniques and resources as well as general networking and discussion.

Members include pioneering digital writers/artists Jim Andrews (, Kate Pullinger (, Alan Bigelow (, Jhave ( and  Chris Joseph (

The New Media Writing Forum is free to join and already contains some great articles and links to useful resources. If you’re working with writing and new media, why not check in?

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One Response to “New Media Writing Forum”

  • Jim Andrews: March 19, 2012 at 10:11 pm

    Thanks for this, Andy!