New online journal: Experimental Poetics and Aesthetics
I received the below notice concerning a new online journal on experimental poetics and aesthetics, which I thought I'd post on netartery.

We would like to take this opportunity to announce the launch of the inaugural issue of the journal Experimental Poetics and Aesthetics. If you could forward and share this announcement through your professional networks, we would be very grateful!
An index of the contents of this first issue is available at . As you can see, most of the content for this inaugural issue is in Spanish and Portuguese, however EXP also publishes works in English and as such we would warmly welcome submissions from authors working in that language for our upcoming issues.
We anticipate that the call for papers for the next issue will be sent out in mid-January.
best regards,
Tim Bowron Editorial Assistant Experimental Poetics and Aesthetics
From the desk of the editor (Dr. Laura López Fernández, University of Canterbury)
EXPerimental Poetics and Aesthetics wants to generate a space for critical reflection on hybrid forms of poetry and art. We are looking for papers and research projects of different kinds that can expand our perceptions and reflections on issues such as aesthetics, visual-aural perception and neuroaesthetics, technology and computerization in poetry, experimental poetry, digital poetry, visual poetry, fractal poetry, quantum poetry, combinatory poetry, performance poetry, etc.
Our inaugural issue presents in its different sections some of the above-mentioned multidisciplinary topics such as Experimental Poetry and Science (Article), Poetics and the Big Bang Theory or the Theory of Complexity (Article), Visual Thought and Visual Poetry (Interview), notes towards a general definition of Experimental Poetry (Critical reflection) and the works of singular artists such as Felipe Boso (Critical reflection), or Roberto Bolaño (Book Review).
The editorial team of the Journal consists of a number of international experts on this subject who evaluate the manuscripts submitted in a process of academic blind peer-review. Please refer to the submission guidelines for further details.