New Project: I ♥ E-Poetry

I ♥ E-Poetry

I would like to announce the launching of my new blog: I ♥ E-Poetry.

Here's a little background about me. I’ve created over 25 websites, blogs, groups, and other online spaces since 1999. For the past 5 years, I’ve maintained a blog which documents my professional work, including most of my course blogs. I use Facebook to keep in touch with friends and family, sharing choice morsels of my personal life.

Aside from my dissertation, articles, and presentations, I’ve been searching for my voice as a scholar of digital literature. I use Twitter to connect with my peers in the digital humanities and e-literature communities. I read, favorite, retweet, share, and occasionally reply, but I don’t feel like I’m making a contribution.

My dad used to say one shouldn’t speak unless one had something to contribute to the conversation. So I’ve been mostly quiet: reading, listening, learning.

Yesterday it struck me: I know what to contribute. I’m going to read an e-poem every day, and I will respond to it in writing: in about 100 words. Every day.

My plan is to start with the Electronic Literature Collections, then take on the Electronic Poetry Center, or the Electronic Literature Directory, or the ELMCIP Knowledge Base, or poetry e-zines, or individual websites. The point is: there is enough e-poetry out there for me to read and respond to for a long while.

If this blog helps people discover the poetic potential of digital media or sparks some ideas, great. If you’re interested, feel free to follow, subscribe, like, share, retweet, bookmark, whatever. Or not: it’s all good.

It will serve me as an annotated bibliography of what I find interesting in e-poetry. And that alone will make it worth my time and effort.

I’m looking forward to the challenge.


4 Responses to “New Project: I ♥ E-Poetry”

  • Jim Andrews: December 21, 2011 at 12:49 am

    Sounds great, Leo. And thanks for starting it out with Nio. I saw your notice about the Nio piece on Facebook. Shall I see your notices about other pieces there too? That would be good.

  • Leo: December 21, 2011 at 3:51 am

    Thanks, Jim, for the support and for inviting me to contribute to this blog in the first place.

    For the I ♥ E-Poetry blog I’m starting with the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1, and the plan is to start at the top left hand corner and go from left to right, top to bottom (in good print reading tradition). So to my delight, I discovered Nio in the first position, which is great because my expertise and previous writing on it gave me plenty to say on the subject. Next up is On Lionel Kearns, followed by the Stir Fry Texts, so I’m getting a strong start with your work in my blog. I think it’s fitting start, because it draws attention to my dissertation.

    I chose a Tumblr blog because it integrates well with Facebook and Twitter. My blog postings will be posted automatically on these social networks, which will help develop a readership. There is no G+ integration in place yet.

    If I’m to start a blog in almost 2012, I should go about it in a Web 2.5 way.

  • gregorious: January 4, 2012 at 8:54 pm

    Nio the perfect place to start. And well done, the entire blog, Leo.

  • Leonardo Flores: January 6, 2012 at 4:36 am

    Thanks, Gregory. I’m really enjoying this reading & writing project.

    Starting with three of Jim’s works was a fortunate accident. Turns out the ELC is alphabetically organized. I couldn’t have been more delighted, though. These were works I had plenty to write about (and did, in my dissertation).