Shoes red as wounds

Performing at Inspace and my Underbelly Cabinet of Curios

For my performance of Underbelly in Edinburgh, UK, on Halloween at Inspace no one can hear you scream I intend to wear shoes as red as wounds. Why? Because Underbelly, my work of playable media fiction, is an exploration of women's bodies in relation to the land - past and present, inside and outside, above and below ground - and shoes, especially red ones, are loaded with associations.

I'm tempted to say more but instead, it might be more fun to point you to my Underbelly Cabinet of Curios. It's a digital collection of some of the sources, influences and catalysts that gave rise to Underbelly, and a peek at one stage of the process of writing and structuring the piece. Within the cabinet, you'll also find some connections and contextual curios, creative works by others in other media that struck a chord with me in relation to the themes I explore in Underbelly... and, if you follow the merry dance, the significance of red shoes.

Since I spend so much of my time stuck at my desk in front of a computer, I'm really looking forward to stepping out and into performer's shoes - not least because there's such a fantastic line-up of other artist-performers at Inspace on Halloween:

48 hours | Inspace no one can hear you scream

Sunday 31st October 2010, 7.30 for 8pm. Inspace, 1 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB

As part of the third International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, we present an evening of language in digital performance with works by Martin John Callanan, JR Carpenter & Jerome Fletcher, Donna Leishman, Maria Mencia, Netwurker Mez, Stanza and Christine Wilks.

2 Responses to “Shoes red as wounds”

  • gregorious: December 9, 2010 at 8:00 am

    Christine, I have finally had the chance to dig into the underbelly — fantastic fields and layers of association. All sorts of food for thought and reflection. I am curious how the Hallow’s Eve went, in Auld Reekie, which has it’s own pungent underbelly. Could you write up a brief review?

  • Christine Wilks: December 15, 2010 at 5:22 am

    Thanks Gregory. The ‘Inspace no one can hear you scream’ language in digital performance event went really well. JR Carpenter – who along with Jerome Fletcher, opened the evening with a performance of ‘Whisper Wire’ – took some lovely photos that you can see (hopefully) on her Facebook fan page –

    I’ve been so busy since the event that I’ve hardly had time to reflect on it… and I must stop now to meet yet another deadline. I’ll try and come back to this when I’ve got a little more time.