2 short films from ELO Archive & Innovate


from '51 Responses'

Spontaneous film-making is getting easier in this era of HD DSLRs, so while I was at the recent (wonderful) Electronic Literature Organization Archive & Innovate Conference, under-cover of creating a video-document to compensate for my weak capacity at putting names to faces (a.k.a. Prosopagnosia) I took the opportunity to ask as many participants as I could to briefly tell me what inspired them to get into digital literature.

The white balance is deranged, the sound cruddy at points, the focus occasionally misguided, but nonetheless it is a compelling testament to the diversity of a generous community that includes old guard luminaries as well as fresh-faced newbies.

I am grateful to all those who gave a moment of their time to the creation of these two short online films: 51 Keywords (33 seconds) and 51 Responses (18:25).

3 Responses to “2 short films from ELO Archive & Innovate”

  • Jim Andrews: June 14, 2010 at 8:52 pm

    That’s rather striking, Jhave. As documentation from or of a conference, this is much much better than what usually happens, if anything at all happens concerning documentation.

    51 RESPONSES to “What inspired you to get involved with digital literature?” makes you wonder whether any of them are talking about the same thing.

    And you have somehow basically put people at ease being themselves in front of the camera. Very lively. And such contrasts. Even vehemence, at times. From captivating to creepy and much else.

  • Jim Andrews: June 15, 2010 at 2:11 am

    The second person in the video, wow, what a beauty. And the way the light plays in her glasses. Puts my generative art to shame.

  • Andy Campbell: June 25, 2010 at 2:01 am

    I really enjoyed watching both of these clips, thank you. It’s nice to see people talking so passionately about electronic literature and for the ELO Conference – which I’ve read a lot about and followed on Twitter whilst it was apparently going on – to feel to have a more real, human aspect behind it.