What is Netartery?

I've been participating in netpoetic.com , a group blog started by Jason Nelson. I've been posting regularly to that group blog concerned with 'electronic literature' and 'digital poetry' and so on--I hardly know what to call it anymore.

I thought it might be interesting to start up a group blog myself. But on what topic? And with who in the group? The latter was easier to come to grips with than the former. I would invite the artists I'm in touch with and whose work I enjoy, and the scholars and programmers I admire, and so on. But what is the topic? The artists and scholars I am interested in, well, there is no commonality to their work except that I like their work.

And my own work is not really in any one category, either. Much of my work has a literary dimension to it but dbCinema is mainly interactive visual work and Jig-Sound is interactive audio.

After I sent out the invitations to participate, it turned out that those who responded with interest are writers who are writing in very unusual ways.

Individually, they're  involved in various arts. And various media. And various technologies.

Netartery will be a group blog by a diverse collection of (mostly media) artists and thinkers, scholars, programmers, and whatnot, almost all of whom are, fundamentally, literary in their modus operandi. The idea is to keep one another informed of our own new work and new work by others we feel deserves comment. And to post on other interesting topics. And to respond to one another's posts, if we feel like it.